Erik J. Helgesen
2008-12-11 00:25:24 UTC
International Herald Tribune, 1. november 2008
Rabbis' ruling puts thousands of converts in limbo
Raised without religion in Maryland, Shannon sought to make a new life
for herself as a Jew in Israel. In a rigorous conversion process, she
studied religious law for a year, took a Hebrew name and changed her
wardrobe to long skirts and sleeves as dictated by Orthodox Jewish
custom. Finally, a panel of rabbis pronounced her Jewish. But five
years later, she and some 40,000 like her have suddenly had their
conversions annulled by Israel's Rabbinical High Court. The court
says the rabbi who heads a government authority set up to oversee
conversions is too liberal in approving them.
The issue, now headed to Israel's Supreme Court, has exposed an
intensifying power struggle inside Israel's religious establishment
over the age-old question of "who is a Jew." It also threatens to
deepen the wedge between Israel and American Jews, who largely
follow more liberal schools of Judaism.
While 34-year-old Shannon's Israeli citizenship isn't in jeopardy,
the ruling diminishes her religious rights. Many rabbis will no longer
oversee basic Jewish rituals for her, such as getting married or
receiving a Jewish burial. If she has children, they might not be
considered Jewish.
"I'm very worried. I probably will not be able to get married in
Israel," she said. "God forbid, if I die, will I be allowed a Jewish
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Hva - eller hvem - er en jøde? Er det så strenge krav som det
tilsynelatende er her?
Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.
-- Martin Luther King, Jr.
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Let a man overcome anger by love, evil by good,
the greedy by liberality, the liar by truth.
-- Buddha
Rabbis' ruling puts thousands of converts in limbo
Raised without religion in Maryland, Shannon sought to make a new life
for herself as a Jew in Israel. In a rigorous conversion process, she
studied religious law for a year, took a Hebrew name and changed her
wardrobe to long skirts and sleeves as dictated by Orthodox Jewish
custom. Finally, a panel of rabbis pronounced her Jewish. But five
years later, she and some 40,000 like her have suddenly had their
conversions annulled by Israel's Rabbinical High Court. The court
says the rabbi who heads a government authority set up to oversee
conversions is too liberal in approving them.
The issue, now headed to Israel's Supreme Court, has exposed an
intensifying power struggle inside Israel's religious establishment
over the age-old question of "who is a Jew." It also threatens to
deepen the wedge between Israel and American Jews, who largely
follow more liberal schools of Judaism.
While 34-year-old Shannon's Israeli citizenship isn't in jeopardy,
the ruling diminishes her religious rights. Many rabbis will no longer
oversee basic Jewish rituals for her, such as getting married or
receiving a Jewish burial. If she has children, they might not be
considered Jewish.
"I'm very worried. I probably will not be able to get married in
Israel," she said. "God forbid, if I die, will I be allowed a Jewish
- - - - -
Hva - eller hvem - er en jøde? Er det så strenge krav som det
tilsynelatende er her?
Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.
-- Martin Luther King, Jr.
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Let a man overcome anger by love, evil by good,
the greedy by liberality, the liar by truth.
-- Buddha